
Wer wählt wen und warum? Welche Strategien verfolgen die Parteien, um Wahlstimmen zu gewinnen? Und wie berichten Medien über politische Inhalte? Fragen wie diese untersuchen wir im Rahmen der Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) sowie weiteren Forschungsprojekten. Neue Forschungsergebnisse dazu präsentieren wir regelmäßig in diesem Blog.

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As part of the RECONNECT project, the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with 14,104 respondents in 7 EU countries (Denmark, Germany,...


As part of the RECONNECT project, between April 2 and April 22, 2019 the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with about 2,000 respondents...


As part of the RECONNECT project, between April 2 and April 22, 2019 the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with about 2,000 respondents...


As part of the RECONNECT project, between April 2 and April 22, 2019 the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with about 2,000 respondents...


As part of the RECONNECT project, between April 2 and April 22, 2019 the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with about 2,000 respondents...


As part of the RECONNECT project, the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with about 2,000 respondents in France as well as in 6 other EU...


As part of the RECONNECT project, the University of Vienna conducted an online survey with about 2,000 respondents in Italy as well as in 6 other EU...