Welcome to the Vienna Center for Electoral Research!

The research center 'Vienna Center for Electoral Research' (VieCER) was established in September 2017 as a sub-unit of the Faculty of Social Sciences. VieCER is headed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Müller (Department of Government). Univ.-Prof. Sylvia Kritzinger (Department of Government) and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hajo Boomgaarden (Department of Communication) are the deputy heads of VieCER. Researchers of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics are also involved in the Center.

Due to the methodological and theoretical diversity of electoral research, researchers from four departments of two faculties of the University of Vienna, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, work together within VieCER. The Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) is also part of VieCER.

Current projects



Virtual Event – Date/Time: 12.2.2024, 18:30 CET


Heute wurde die ÖAW-Coronastudie vorgestellt, die wichtige Erkenntnisse für zukünftige Krisen liefert. Der Bericht enthält insbesondere eine...


November 16, 2023 - November 16, 2023 18:00 - 19:30 , IHS, Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Vienna, Lecture Room E02


Videogespräch mit Julia Partheymüller und Jakob-Moritz Eberl


The Austrian National Election Study (AUTNES) is inviting researchers to submit module proposals for the sixteenth wave of the AUTNES Online Panel...


Die Publikation "Expertise in Krisenzeiten. Wie evidenzbasierte Politikberatung gelingt – und was sie nicht leisten kann." reflektiert die Arbeit von...