Call for Papers: Workshop "Linking Survey and Context Data to Analyze Elite and Mass Interactions"


Loes Aaldering (ECPR SG PolComm), Bernd Schlipphak (ECPR SGPM), and Katjana Gattermann (ECPR SG PolComm) are organizing a workshop on data linkage of content and survey data.

The focus of the workshop lies on discussing innovations and challenges in linking data and linkage analysis with the ultimate goal to contribute to establishing best practices in the field when trying to understand the impact elite positions/communication have on mass attitudes – and vice versa. The workshop will take place at the University of Vienna, 26-27 September 2019.

The call for papers is now open, the deadline for submitting papers is April 30. Submissions should be sent by email to the organizers,,, and

For further details, please see here.